
Acoustic Neuroma Archive:
Registering in the Patient Directory

We are appealing to all international and/or non-traditional Acoustic Neuroma patients:

watch-and-waiters, radiosurgery patients, FSR patients

The AN Archive invites you to join the Patient Directory, so others going down the Acoustic Neuroma path and looking for advice can contact you by phone or e-mail!  Please send the following information to ANarchive@gmail.com:

Note: your e-mail address will be disguised, so as to avoid having it harvested by "junk e-mailers". We hate "spamming" as much as you do.

We also welcome other written contributions to the archive, or suggestions of topics to cover.

If there is anyone who might be interested in this appeal but is not likely to see it, please make them aware of it -- nothing works like the word of mouth!


Last Edited: Wednesday, October 30, 2002